awakening the healer within
As a child, I felt a deep resonance to magic and the unseen world, seeing the loved ones in my life as colors and connecting to the moon as often as possible. Without guidance, I shut down these gifts for the majority of my upbringing. I grew up with disdain for the spiritual as my only understanding of it was the concept of "religion" which I saw through the lens of division and dogma and war. Never learning from these mystical teachers, but only seeing the distortions of what the followers interpreted for justifying hierarchy of humankind. I was completely shut down to anything beyond what I could see in the 3D or prove with science. However, something shifted, and I began to remember and reconnect to energy while living in a rural village in Western Tanzania reading the Celestine Prophecy in 2012. Something about these people who could influence the energetics of plants and people and communicate nonverbally with beings in both the earthly plane and beyond started to resonate with some piece of my being that knew, beyond the mind, that this is what we are here for.
My logic-only restricted basis of understanding the world, started to dissolve slowly, piece by piece, as I opened to this understanding, and having first hand experiences working with energetic principles like Law of Attraction, then expanding into the unlocking of psychic gifts I had only ever fantasized about.
As I have been blessed to travel the globe, living fairly nomadically for the last 12 years, I have been exposed to various teachers, communities, healers, medicines, and experiences that have allowed me to gain deeper, expanded understandings of the varied human experience. And with so much exposure, I have unraveled layers of the human heart to find depth of love within myself that feels overflowing to share. Consolidating the resonant teachings and learnings from my experience, to share with others.
I know to my core that we are ALL capable of tapping into the truth of our hearts, and unearthing our gifts, though it does take quite a bit of work of dismantling the programs we've adopted as what our human potential holds.
In the center of our hearts, we know what we are here to do. It is to blossom in all ways, always. What that looks like for me and what that looks like for you, that is how I feel called to share, in guiding to a deeper listening, a deeper trust, to listen and respond to that knowing with full faith and confidence, until it manifests in your life.
In 2020 as the world came to a stillness, I returned home from living in an ashram and synchronistically found myself diving into self-exploration of working with ceremonial cacao. It was shared with me that I had past lifetimes working deeply with this medicine, and it peaked my curiosity to rekindle that flame. Combining cacao with movement, meditation, art, hiking, dancing began a potent experience of unlocking old traumas stored in the body and released them for healing. It opened my heart to me to be excavated with the gentleness of cacao's warm loving embrace. A lot of rapid, deep transformation happened very quickly. I began to access higher realms of consciousness that I previously never knew even existed. I accessed a sense of inner ecstasy in the combination of cacao, movement, meditation, and prayer. I started to work intuitively with the dream realm, learning how to work with inter-dimensional beings, and tapping into astral traveling capabilities. My psychic gifts started coming online more and more and I began to channel a healing modality through my hands. I had received visions in medicine ceremonies and had a knowing of this capacity, but never knew of its reality until I started exploring it with my own body.
Months later, I arrived into Guatemala and quickly met a being who was guiding a training for Quantum Healing. Not knowing what this was, but feeling a distinct intuitive pull, I attended the training and low and behold, it was the energy that I had begun to tap into myself just months before. With guidance and structure, I could now access this healing modality to be shared with others more freely. Since then, I have started incorporating other tools like tuning forks and crystal bowls to compliment the overall healing for the individual. I have been blown away by the experiences people have shared with me from their sessions and feel very grateful to be of service in this way. I noticed that my natural understanding of health and nutrition also seems to come into play through the sessions, as very often I will receive messages of what dietary or lifestyle shifts would help the individual anchor the healing into their daily life.