An energy healing technique tapping into the quantum field where all is light.
Our bodies are designed to self heal, however, experiences/toxins/diet/environment can disrupt the flow of energy moving through the body so the energetic signals become muddied and confused, not allowing proper flow. Old belief systems, genetically inherited imbalances, unprocessed emotions all can become stored in the cells of our bodies causing dis-ease. Through the process of quantum healing, we can rewrite the narrative of our bodies. What is expressed on a physical body is the most dense version of things happening on these subtle bodies, and often the last thing to show up. When we haven’t been giving attention to the messages from our higher selves of things out of balance, we see these manifest in the physical body so that our 3D selves can no longer ignore the signs.
Quantum Healing can support healing of…
chakra realignment
clearing meridian lines
stress & anxiety
unworthiness symptoms & depression
fears, phobias, PTSD
physical & mental illness & pains
acute symptoms of UTIs, cramps, headaches, etc
limiting belief systems
relationship issues
DNA/ Soul Purpose Recovery
During a session you may experience…
a deep meditative space where you can receive messages from your guides or Higher Self
Visions & clarity of steps to move forward
Deeply relaxing and restorative states
Awakened energetic states
Following the session you receive channeled information that can give you…
information to past lives
dietary or nutritional guidance to support your body further
guidance from your higher self
tools, crystals, colors to begin working with
I prefer combining the sessions with ceremonial cacao to begin so that the participant can fully drop into the heart space and be in an optimal state of receptivity for messages and insights.